Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ahmadinejad: Iran will respond 'decisively' to U.S., Israel attacks


Ahmadinejad: Iran will respond 'decisively' to U.S., Israel attacks
Iranian president tells Russia Today news network that although Iran would retaliate harshly in the event of attack, there is no reason to launch a strike against the Islamic republic. By Haaretz Tags: Iran Iran nuclear Iran threat Iranian President ... read more

Lawmaker says Iran arrested senior PKK member
No officials in Iran or Turkey were immediately available to confirm the report, which, if confirmed, would be a huge blow the rebel group which has been fighting for Kurdish self-rule in Turkey's southeast since 1984. ... read more

Iran plans protest at British embassy in Tehran over riots
TEHRAN, Iran -- Iran plans a state-organized protest targeting Britain over what Tehran calls "savage aggression" used by police on demonstrators in the recent street riots across England, state media reported Saturday. ... read more


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