Monday, May 2, 2011

The Drudge Report: Relevant News Or Garbage


Bin Laden is dead, but Drudge Report makes it about the Trump-Obama feud
And the Drudge Report, which will print any conspiracy theory against the president to generate traffic, placed the EW story as its second headline tonight. Almost 10 years after about 3000 Americans were killed on Sept. 11, 2001, we need to ask: Is ... read more

The Drudge Report: Relevant News Or Garbage
Mr. Trump has already begun trying to find other ways to lure the media, including a discussion of Mr. Obama's academic background and whether he deserved to be admitted to Columbia and Harvard. ... read more

With Drudge Report's Help, Birthers Latch Onto Phony Forgery Theory
By the end of the day it had become a headline on Drudge Report, one of the single most trafficked news sites on the internet. The debunked forgery revelation drew thousands of comments on messageboards, migrated to birther and truther conspiracy guru ... read more


Drudge Report
Why the Drudge Report is one
Drudge Report TB Andy Speaker
2 Episode 18 Drudge Report
BREAKING: Drudge Report claims
drudge report
of the Drudge Report for
Now I think they have quit
Survey Says: Drudge Report

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