Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Jon Stewart Celebrates Osama Bin Laden's Death


Jon Stewart takes Donald Trump to the 'Daily Show' boardroom and fires on him ...
Jon Stewart was on fire Monday, barely able to contain his excitement on "The Daily Show" as he reported on the media events leading up to President Obama's announcement that Osama bin Laden had been killed. But Stewart unleashed special comic venom on ... read more

Jon Stewart Celebrates Osama Bin Laden's Death
Jon Stewart, the American satirist and political commentator, reacted to the killing of Osama Bin Laden during his 'Daily Show' on Monday evening (2nd May 2011). Jon Stewart delighted his studio audience with a series of quips about the downfall of the ... read more

Jon Stewart Ecstatic Over Osama Bin Laden Killing
The lead story on Monday night's "The Daily Show" was -- shock of shocks -- the killing of Osama Bin Laden. Jon Stewart was a happy man, saying, "I suppose I should be expressing some ambivalence about the targeted killing of another human being, ... read more


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