Tuesday, May 3, 2011

SOE Accounts Compromised


Sony's data breach expands to SOE servers
May 03, 2011, 7:40 AM — Things went from bad to worse for Sony (and its customers) yesterday. In addition to the ongoing effort to recover from the PSN data breach and outage, now Sony Online Entertainment has ... read more

Sony Online Entertainment portal breached, more financial information in hands ...
Yesterday it emerged that the Sony Online Entertainment portal had been taken down due to an intrusion. Today it emerges that this hack has resulted in the disclosure of more financial information to ... read more

SOE Accounts Compromised
As we previously reported, all Sony Online Entertainment services, games, forums and web sites went offline this morning as a result of the recent Playstation Network intrusion. SOE just issued a press release, and it appears that the personal ... read more


Sony Online Entertainment?
Sony made
SOE president reckons PS3 is
SOE drops over 5% of its
Sony Online Entertainment has
SOE PC MMOs Not Affected By
SOE has taken down its servers
16, 2009 - Sony Online
IGN: Sony Online Entertainment
Sony has shut down three SOE

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